Unfortunate trips in public transport

Hi again nonexistent readers <3 This week I Will talk about anecdotes of my trips home. (or my trips to the university, both is so unfortunate hahaha)

In an opportunity, in the rush hour, when I trying to take a bus, the door it has crushed me, my bag got out and people that I didn't know help me, If was so embarrassing.

Once on my trips to my class at the university, my bus It filled with smoke and we had to get off (I arrived too late to my class). 
And the second time, two weeks ago, my bus has caught fire!! and the bus driver had to put out the flames with an extinguisher, It was very funny, I recorded a story for my Instagram hahaha.

I remember once, it was winter and raining very strong, in the streets collapsed sewer systems, my sister and I take a bus to my home and every time that the door open, too much water would enter, we arrived very wet.


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